My journey experimenting with 6502 assembly and CC65


A while ago I slowly started experimenting with 6502 assembly while I read a bit about the subject. After some tinkering around, I really got excited with the idea of creating a NES game.

I sketched some ideas and ended up with a fantasy roguelike(so original!) and choose to use CC65(a C compiler for machines with a 6502-compatible CPU).

However, I ended up dealing with some pitfalls during development, like: 2 axis map scrolling, random map generation… heck! I wasn’t even able to export the music from FamiTracker into the code.

It was a new experience and provided me a lot of epiphanies, but nearly all tools are designed for Windows(even the emulator with debugger) and such difficulties really slowed my other ideas.

I am going to move the project to C#/SDL2, trying to keep as much as possible the NES limitations (pallete, resolution, sound) and on a future resume the NES version.